Monday, April 3, 2017

Rounding 3rd...

When I started blogging our surrogacy journey I thought it would be much easier than it has turned out to be. My last entry was at 23 weeks and suddenly we have reached our 34th week. Weeks go by and they seem like minutes. Cody is driving and I am writing and he said, "It seems like yesterday I was booking our tickets to go to Seattle and all of a sudden we are weeks away from meeting our child." Here's a progression of the last few weeks.

27 Weeks

Austin is SO cute in this picture!  So are you B, but that face!  ðŸ˜˜

We are so close we are now faced with running out of time.  It is proven time and time again that no matter how prepared you are for most things, you can't ever fully prepare for anything. I've had our baby bag packed for well over a month, sitting next to our bedroom door. Our car seat has been waiting patiently for the soccer tournament that was today to end so it could be put into the car. Clothes and bottles are washed, diapers are put away, our medicine cabinet is stocked and Morgan's bed is ready and waiting for her. I thought I had our bases covered and then last week Bridget called.  When I answered the very first thing she said to me was, "Don't freak out, buuuuuut I've been feeling uncomfortable today so I am going to the hospital to be checked out and monitored." Of course I'm going to freak out, because Bridget told me a few months ago if something happens she will NOT text me, she will call. So as soon as I saw her call I immediately went into panic mode. She reassured me that we didn't need to leave quite yet and she'd call after she got settled in. I told Cody what was happening and ran out the door to take Olivia to practice. When I returned home, which was about 30 minutes later, Cody had drawers pulled out of the changing table, both baby bags, the car seat, camera and his bag packed and ready to go. On the drive to practice I was making a mental checklist of everything I have not done yet, pretty important things too, like where are we going to stay when we get there and what do I need to bring for myself.  In the end, we aren't quite as prepared as we thought we were and Bridget was having uterine irritability and not real labor pains yet, which is a good thing. Morgan could use a couple more weeks on the inside.  :)

Our household is full of illness right now too. Both Cody and I have spent the better part of this last week on the sidelines with the worst chest cold I can remember having. Jaiden has been battling sinusitis and a sore throat and our only healthy body is Olivia. The 4 of us are traveling to Boise on Monday and Tuesday for an appointment on Tuesday morning and my hope is that everyone is healthy enough to share an evening with Bridget and her family when we arrive. If any one of us are ill we will have to stay behind because we do not want to risk sharing germs.

Bridget is really starting to feel the 3rd trimester. She's suffering from insomnia, swelling in her feet, squished bladder, a big wiggly baby and all over discomfort. She has done such a wonderful job for the duration of this pregnancy, from the very beginning. I have to brag on her a little and I hope this isn't embarrassing for you Bridget because it's proof she is a nurturer, from her pre-pregnancy weight to current she has only gained 5 lbs. Before anyone jumps out of their seat and gets worried about not gaining ENOUGH weight, she had a rocky first trimester where she suffered from morning sickness and lost a lot of weight. She has since maintained a healthy weight and progression. Bridget, you really do amaze me each week with your being and purpose. I hope these last few weeks are kind to you and we will do everything possible to help you to the finish line so Austin has her Mama's lap back!  ;)

Cody is returning to work on Wednesday for 2 weeks if all goes well at our appointment tomorrow. His return flight will be to Boise where we will stay until we come home with our newest family member. That's exciting to think about! Right now the 4 of us are on our way to say hello to Mo, hug Bridget and see Dr. West.  Home stretch...stay tuned!


P.S.  Happy Opening Day of baseball!
Go Dodgers!  Go Braves!