Wednesday, December 21, 2016

20 weeks

Today is the half way point of this pregnancy. I'm finally feeling normal. Morning sickness lasted until about 16 weeks. I do get more tired faster and I do have heartburn from hell but other than that I feel pretty good.

This belly is starting to pop out. I feel this sweet little baby move, mostly at night when I'm finally sitting down to rest.

We had our big 20 week ultrasound last week and baby Sigler couldn't have been more stubborn. She found a nice warm corner of my belly and decided to take a nap right there. We also found out that not only is it possible but also totally normal to have an hour long contraction. And of course that hour long contraction had to happen during our hour long ultrasound. It's like every odd stacked against us to get a good look at her was there. But we're going back in a couple weeks to take another look.

That about covers it for now. Enjoy your holidays!!

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