Its been too long. This poor blog has been neglected. Last time it was updated we had beta numbers and now were 10 weeks pregnant. Things have been going great. We had our 1st ultrasound 3 weeks ago where we saw one tiny little healthy baby. Baby was measuring right on track. It was so nice to have Erin there for that. I loved meeting her girls.
These last few weeks I've been feeling nauseous pretty much all the time. But worse than that I am SO tired. Not sleepy tired, just exhausted. Like I could lay in bed or on the couch 24hrs a day. Unfortunately having 3 kids and a job, that's not always possible. (or never possible) I know it will soon pass though and I also know that it means baby is doing good.
I have my 1st OB appt next Wednesday. We will have an ultrasound before we meet with the Dr. Its a new OB that I have never seen before. I'm nervous about that. I've been going to the same Dr. for 12 years. He's delivered all of my babies and my surrogate babies. Sadly earlier this year he told me he was retiring. I felt pretty lost. I asked him if his daughter was pregnant who would he tell her to see. He said Dr. West. I also asked in a local surrogate group I'm in for recommendations and Dr. West came highly recommended. So I took that as a sign and made my decision.
We had some trouble with the clinic in Seattle sending over a referral so it took longer than we wanted to get into the OB but its almost here now. C & E are going to come to Boise to come to my appt with me. I love that they want to be so involved and are able to come for the big appts.
At 10 weeks baby is a little over an inch long. Google says baby is about the size of a prune or a strawberry. All of the vital organs are now formed and are now starting to work. Its too early to feel movements but I do feel some stretching of my uterus. If I'm laying down and roll over I can feel some pulling. It won't be long until it pops out. I lay on my stomach at night as much as I can because I know that won't last long.
I think that's all for now. Sorry to leave you all hanging for so long. I kept a pregnancy blog when I carried the twins and I remember how hard it was to update it when life gets busy. But I love having it now to look back on. So I'm going to get better and this.
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