Monday, September 12, 2016

Starting to "feel" pregnant

I will be 6 weeks pregnant on Wednesday and I am finally feeling pregnant. I get nauseous off and on throughout the day. I have to eat snack right before I go to bed and I have to eat something right when I wake up. Which is not like me. I usually go a couple hours before needing to eat. I keep a box of crackers in my car to munch on throughout the day.

We had our 1st beta which came back at 100. We repeated that blood test about 45hrs later and it was 201. They look to see if the 1st number doubles every 48-72hrs. We had one more blood test 5 days later and it was 1587. Our numbers are doubling perfectly. We have our 1st ultrasound next Wednesday the 21st. We will be exactly 7 weeks pregnant then. We fully expect to see the baby's heartbeat then.

I'm still on my favorite nightly shot. My butt is so sore. Its numb on the sides, I have knots all over. One is the size of a golf ball and many other are the size of peas. And its still so itchy. I switched oils a few weeks ago thinking that might help but it really hasn't. When I do scratch the itch's, it turns into hives. Its pretty awful but I really don't mind as its all in the name of Baby Sigler. This is what I signed up for. When the nurse told me I would be doing these until the end of October, I did want to cry though. I knew I'd be on them for awhile but that seemed so far away.

It still seems surreal that this really happened and that the transfer worked. As much as I wanted the transfer to work, I had also mentally prepared my self for it not working. Probably to guard my emotions. So when I started testing and was seeing a faint line I was SHOCKED. I didn't believe it at first. I am in a surrogate transfer group on line, where we all transferred around the same time. I shared my pic in the group and when they saw the faint line, I felt comfortable enough to share it with Cody & Erin. I was so nervous that I would send it and they would be like, "we don't see anything". It was so fun to test every day and share with them and watch the line get darker and darker.
So now we wait, yet again, for the big ultrasound.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, B. If I could take all of the discomfort away I'd do it in an instant. Cody and I didn't ever doubt you, your knowledge or the thought of this working out for us. We just couldn't. I admire your heart and will to pursue this for our family, you truly mean the world to us. Xo
