I can't believe the day is almost here. We all meet in Seattle in 2 days. This has been an amazing journey so far.
I had my monitoring appointment last Friday to tell us were right on schedule. I was a little nervous heading into that appt. So often I hear of surrogates struggling to get their estrogen levels where they need to be or their lining is too thin. I felt a huge relief that I was right where they expected them to be. (Ok, lets be honest, it was a little more than they were hoping for, but what can I say, I'm an overachiever.)
Today the eggs are being thawed and fertilized. We will find out on Friday whether we will transfer on Saturday or Monday.
I am starting to get really nervous for this weekend. I'm trying my best to not think too much about it but I know as soon as we all see each other I will really be feeling nervous. There is so much riding on this transfer. Emotionally, financially and physically. And I feel like its all on me. In reality I know that even in the best of circumstances things don't work out and in the worst of circumstances beautiful babies are still made. So it really is all a crap shoot when it comes down to it. But I'm still feeling the pressure. However all that said, I am really excited to get to Seattle and get this transfer done. I have a really good feeling about all this. I have had a good feeling about Cody & Erin from the start. I won the Jackpot when they chose my as their surrogate.
Erin shared my PIO needle the other night. I started that last night. I have to do a shot in the rear every night. I'm also doing estrogen pills 3x a day and 1 baby aspirin a day. I haven't had any real side effects yet, except some awful acne. I guess when my estrogen levels are in the 500's, that's to be expected. I know within a few days I'll be feeling my backside getting sore. I've also had a headache off and on for a few days but that might be related to the thick smoke in the air here. Or the meds, or maybe just having 3 kids that drive me crazy. Who knows??
Can't wait to update from Seattle!!
This picture is hilarious Bridget!