Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Cody Here!

Yesterday my beautiful wife arranged a welcome home party for me.  I was so excited to show everyone what my life had consisted of in the last few weeks with a small slide show that I had prepared from my 1st rotation in PNG.  The last few weeks of missing my girls dearly, and thinking and hoping B's (Bridget's) check-ups go well it was a welcome site to see their smiling faces again.  I can't express how fortuntate I feel to have such a great life, an amazing supportive family, the love of my life beside me, and the girls making my life feel complete.  B's appointments went amazing!  We are so blessed with her!  Today we bought the tickets for all of us to go to Seattle, the days are counting down to game time and I couldn't be more excited!  It's been a great day, and everyday it's getting closer for us!  We have to be the luckiest people on earth with our family and Bridgets huge heart!  bye for now talk to ya soon!


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